Grace in action

Say this: “God, you’re my refuge, I trust in you, and I’m safe.” Psalm 91:2 MSG

I really wanted to do a sweet Thanksgiving post this week. To remind you of how much we have to be thankful for in this season. To remind you that giving thanks is an action of grace. 

But to be honest, I have struggled today. I told Wade this morning that I am just weepy and I can’t stop leaking. The tears just keep coming and I feel like they finally dry up and then my eyes start leaking again. I had Psalm 91 on repeat in my earbuds as I worked this morning, and all of a sudden those words stuck out to me.

Say this: “God, you’re my refuge, I trust in you, and I’m safe.” Psalm 91:2 MSG

We are good. My family is good. We are healthy and strong. We have plenty of food, (and even toilet paper). We have not missed a paycheck through this season. We have plenty to fully enjoy the upcoming holiday season.

But not everyone we know is good. Many of my friends are aching. They have lost people they loved and adored. Be it from Covid or other causes, friends have lost key relationships through death in this season. Some are dealing with a cancer diagnosis. Others are sitting outside hospitals, just to be near to their loved ones who are in surgery. Some, who own small businesses are fighting to stay open in a season when people are being told to stay home.

Still others are fighting the devil in bold new ways, because of things that have been revealed in their families in this season. Others have lost or seen changes in relationships in this season where hurt and ugliness have come out in so many.

Honestly, we have all lost something in this season. Whether it is our sense of security, of safety, or just a sweet little bit of naivete. I know I am one who never imagined living through a pandemic, and yet here we are, in a pandemic. 

And in that tension of all that is going on, I hear the words, through my earbuds, into my spirit, Say this: “God, you’re my refuge, I trust in you, and I’m safe.” Psalm 91:2 (MSG). Even when things don’t feel safe. When our world doesn’t feel safe. When some relationships don’t feel safe. God is my refuge. I trust in Him. And I am safe.

And that is my notice of grace today. That is where I will give thanks. It is the revelation to me of grace in action. 

And I will say, with a heart full of thanks, and I hope you will join me, “God is my refuge. I trust in Him. And I am safe.”

Happy Thanksgiving, my friends.