****For new posts, go to “As I see it” in the menu***
So! I’m kind of new to this blogging thing.
Yes, approximately 10 years after blogging was cool, I am claiming a little bit of space on the interwebs, because there are some things that my brain is thinking and my fingertips are itching to type!! So, with that said, a bit of an introduction to me and the purpose of this blog.

I’m Karlee. I am a follower of Jesus, wife of Wade, mom of two teenagers. I am a daughter, a sister, and a friend. We live in a little northwest Wisconsin town whose claim to fame is a world record musky, a world class cross country ski race, the Lumberjack World Champions, and a ridiculous amount of lakes and pine trees. In other words, I live where people vacation and I LOVE IT!!
Some other tidbits:
I am having so much fun being a mom to my two kids. With a son who is currently 16 and a daughter who is 13, it is absolutely the funniest, craziest time of my life. Who would have known that your heart could practically burst when you see these amazing humans emerge into people who are so fun to be around??
My husband and I planted a church in 2012. Oh, man, I love my church. Leading with my husband and showing our people Jesus is what I was created for.
I am also:
An Enneagram 9 with a super, ridiculously strong 8 wing. (Like, a really strong 8 wing.)
Lover of summer.
Lover of Exclamation points!!! (You can never have too many!)
Lover of coffee. (Hot in the winter, cold brew in the summer.)
Lover of food.
I am excited easily and have zero chill about it. Zero
I am sure there are more, but that is all for now. You’ll get more later, of that you can be sure!
So, why are my fingertips itching to type some things??
In the last couple years, I have had this growing awareness of how God wants to change me. He has been walking me through some hard things, showing me where I have believed lies about myself and about others. I am kind of a suck it up and figure it out girl, but in the sucking it up and figuring it out, I am learning I wasn’t actually dealing with my junk. I’ve been fixing things temporarily, but not for the long run. I have a lot of life yet to live and I am sick of dealing with the same junk over and over.
My fingers are itching to type out what that has looked like as I have been following Jesus. You see, I only have so much time to sit with friends around coffee, but what I type will be what I am talking about with them at my local coffee shop or as I am at Bible study with my girlfriends. I want you to know, too, how amazing God is, because holy smokes, WOW!! I have been a church girl my whole life, I have known that God can do the impossible and the unimaginable. And this is the space where I will share what that looks like as I am following Him, as he is reminding me how freaking much he loves me.
Also! I am a HUGE fan of books and am a firm believer that a book can change your life!! I am a podcast lover and get giddy about songs and albums. So, I will be doing…..are you ready??? “Rundowns” on my faves!!!! Yep!! You will get to learn all about the books I am reading and some that I have read in the past in a “middle school” type book report form. (Yes, I was that nerd in school that loved writing a good book report!!) I will also be letting you know about the Bible studies I’m doing, favorite podcasts, and songs that I am loving.
In the future, I also want to have friends share what it looks like for them as they follow Jesus. What books they are reading and how they see God leading them. I have some of the most amazing people in my life and they are stepping out in hard places, doing the hard things, and I will ask them to show you what it is looking like for them to follow.
I hope you will follow along! I am so excited to show you how God is showing me who he is and what that looks like when I actually believe it. And I am also excited to hear your stories!! I hope you will share them with me as we follow Jesus together.